Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Out of Sight, But Not Out of Mind

A year since Arwah's passing.
We miss you dear (original story here)
For all the HORROR we read, out there, a child misses both. 
She clings for love on those still around her - her aunts, uncles & especially her greatgranduncle

Tho justice has yet to be served
An innocent child knows no hate
if justice served
either way
an orpan she will be

EVIL is too cruel
syaiton nirrajim
p/s korang rasa macamana?
  • penjara seumur hidup so that the M still has a father
  • beter for him to face the death penalty for what he did but then my nieceinlaw loses a father?


  1. Husband fazlina nih apa cerita yer ?masuk hospital sakit jiwa ke kat penjara? i ddk deret belakang rumah dia je... rumah tu still kosong tak de org

  2. Not much info la dear, but from what I gather Mohafri faces the death penalty upon conviction.
    Keluarga SIL pun tak byk cakap but sometimes kalau kuar shopping sama dia sebut "M***** mesti suka" I terasa sebak sikit.

    Yela..mak dah takda dan kalau betul convition tu jatuh, jadi yatim piatu.

    Tunggu 12 April la..

    "Nasib bekas pengurus syarikat katering yang didakwa membunuh isteri yang mayatnya ditemui berbungkus selimut dan disumbat dalam almari di Ampang, dua tahun lalu, sama ada dilepaskan atau membela diri atas pertuduhan itu akan diputuskan Mahkamah Tinggi pada 12 April depan"

    Its a loooooong process.
