Saturday, April 16, 2011

Si Telinga Capang

I'm sure, tak kisahlah masa tadika ke, sekolah rendah ke atau sekolah menengah ke, mesti ada di antara kita yang kena "tease" about a certain something about our body parts.

Like me, it was my "gigi rabbit" or "muke Jepun" but I wasn't tease that much anyway.

But like or not, after my first pregnancy, my weight shot up so, I memang agak gumuks so I was always a target for "tease" amongst my own kaum kerabat (not my immediate family by the way) sampaikan I always tell my mom I rasa macam tak nak balik untuk Hari Raya coz that is the worst time of the year bila masing2 nak compare weight LOST masing-masing.

Sampai satu tahap I could not take it anymore I spoke out. 
I know it was a blow to the other person but at least I rasa BEST sebab I told them how I felt.

Its the only remedy for defending yourself againts bullies.

I know my daughter has been called "Halimah Jonggang" before (coz gigi dia la apa lagi) but I told her that if there are times when its really upsetting, please tell me because then I can take appropriate measures - that would be contacting the school and teachers if it came to that point. Alhamdulillah it hasn't coz she just brushed it off as "gossip liar" coz the boy did not actually say it to her face but rather a friend (perempuan) yang sampaikan.

But again...sometimes for a kid - its really a different story and its really for the mom/dad to decide what is best.

So siapa yang ada anak pergi sekolah or masa korang sekolah, ada tak yang teruk kena bully?


  1. i pernah kena ejek sbb rambut i kerinting...but not at school..i kena ejek dgn budak2 kampung dan sepupu2 i...main sama2 masa kecik they panggil i rambut megi atau rambut sarang tebuan...and depa selalu kata i hitam :D..tak berbekas pun kat hati i hahaha...

  2. kfara ai dlu mse skola adelah bdak yg pling kcik, pndek, halus..slalu kne ejek n mcm d rendah2kan je..mmg kdg2 rse wonder mydoter skg pon cam kcik n halus jerr, ikot ibu die kot.. :) dpt plk en.somi yg jgk kcik jerr orgnye, brtmbah kukuh laa mydoter mmg kcik moleh orgnye..tgk beso ckit sok camne, xsabo nk tggu die beso n msuk skola :D

  3. tak suke bila kena ckp bini popeye lah..tiang letriklah..and yang paling tak suke bila g kelas sains org samakan saya ngan mr.skeleton depan klas...
