It Friday. I'm taking it slow and steady althought the house is in shambels and I need to plan on what to cook since I am at home.
Finding time to do everything is virtually impossible sometimes. But since I am used to hectic deadlines at work, I leave my notepad open and in between doing the housework I would sit for a bit and jot a few things that comes to mind.
Sya had a fit last night, more like the breakdown blogger friend - suryati had. So much for schedules. Besides I try to tell the baby sitter to follow the routine but DH just spilled the beans and said that she was fed milk before she came home at 7pm. There goes the routine...
Part of it was my bad, I continued watching Intan after Kasut Tumit Tinggi. The minute she heard the theme song - bang! cerah mate sampai la pukul 1am. She didnt even want milk but only plain water. Sooooo 4am anak dara I decided to ask for milk. Naturally she went back to bed but at around 6.00am she would wake me up. My new SUBUH alarm is a hard tug of my long hair by yours truly Cik Syasya yang berzodiac LEO itew.
It was raining so I voluntered to hold Syasya while DH gets the car. Boleh tahan gak dukung my daughter now (although againts docs warning, I insisted to dukung her)
When the rain stop I told myself I might as well go to the morning market at Pandan Indah LRT. Luck was at hand, fresh fruits for SALE (SALE lagi?) The Apek wanted to go home cepat2 so he said "Haiya cincai-cincai la...." I bought Lily Bud Mangos, Korean Strawberries & Seedless Black Currants. I was aiming for fruit salad - maybe pop to Chempaka LRT MyNews for some yogurt later.
I usually have brunch when I am alone at home. This way I'll burn all the calorie by doing housework(hopefully lah!)
Me being me, I notice my favourite coffee mug had some coffee stain (maybe because I took it to the hospital with me and it didnt get proper washing). A little baking soda will do magic. Tak payah sental kuat-kuat pun.

Muiza was being very notty today. Now dia pulak nak tunjuk skill stunt dia. And you know what they say about cats right? They know how to get up but dont know how to get down a tree. Well this did not need a BOMBA to rescue coz it was only my kitchen grill door. I left her hanging there for a good few minutes for discipline and then helped her down.

Somehow I had Spicy Myulchi Bokkeum 멸치볶음 craving as well today. I live in Ampang so I'm lucky to have the Korean Mart near here at the Galaxy Shopping Centre. But then there was no one to take me there to buy kochujang (korean chili paste) so I used the Chili Boh in the fridge and did the sira like my nenek does to her kerepek.
DH wanted fried rice and I had soft toufu and some left over chicken fillet. One thing lead to another....it was Asian Fusion.
My Misoshiru - みそ汁 (Miso Soup) was instant and I checked to ensure there was no shusei/alkohol - ref http://junjungbuih.multiply.com/journal/item/53)
Since we will be leaving early tomorrow for the PEDs, I packed and left the fruit salad in the freezer. That way I dont have to think about breakfast and DH can have his Kopitiam breakfast that I had today ;)

Ok...am gonna concentrate on Intan now...I mute the vol and read the subtitles instead. Takut Sya bangun lagi he he he

Ya allah farah,
ReplyDeleteI punya la terigin miso soup..kat sini kebanyakkan rasanya tak leh challenge kat Jepun..anyway, nanti p check out the link tu..tq so much la..
u are staying near galaxy? la i dok lalu lalang situ daily p keje. I stay in the condo near carrefour ampang..u take care, dear.
Hi Farah (Betul ke? I ikut Ida)
ReplyDeleteNak introduce myself sket. I've been reading ur blog thru my cousin Lyana Mauseth's. But never leave comment.
But i've been chatting with ur dad and I told him that his blog really remind me of my hometown sg petani and my dad.
Dah pulak he knows a few person yg I happen to know.
He was d one yg told me about ur blog, so I pun google up, and walllah its u rupanya.
Anyway, glad to meet u here.
ReplyDeleteHuuu dekat rupenya rumah kita....
Desert Rose
Am not really sure if I'm the person you are looking for (unless my dad has a blog that I dont even know....)
I have to google his name la ni..
ReplyDeleteWahahahha. Stop gooling, u might had a heart attack plak thinking that ur dad is keeping a blog without ur knowledge.
Tell u what, wrong number .....i open another blog and at the same time reading yours, I ter komen kat ur plak...I bengong ok.
Dah plak the person tu pun got a call sign as Queen jugak, I dah confius..
Sorry babe
Desert Rose
ReplyDeleteHe he he....nice to meet you anyway!
No la...tak bengong pun. Happens to me sometimes too...